Carrageenan is a hydrocolloid with unique functionalities extracted from special species of red seaweed. It plays an essential role in the food industry because of its ability to provide stability in milk products, control the water content in meat products, stabilize ice-cream or give the desired texture to confectionary products, water desserts and fruit preparation. On the other hand, carrageenan is a well-known additive in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and home care industries, where it can be used as thickener or film forming agent. There are basically three main types of commercial carrageenan that have been identified. These are known as KAPPA, IOTA and LAMBDA, which are ideal molecules. Exploiting these basic types requires detailed technical understanding of the seaweed sources, the process used for extraction and modification, as well as an extensive knowledge of the functional requirements of the various food applications – skills that have been developed by CEAMSA for more than 50 years. CEAMSA is constantly developing new products of carrageenan and exploring new applications in order to provide its customers with optimum texturizing solutions for their products.